Manged IT Services

Backup and disaster recovery

A weather-proof housing for your datalogger, revenue grade meter and/or weather station. You receive the enclosure pre-assembled with your hardware to streamline installation and data collection.

Workstation management

Purchasing and all computers are up to date with the latest security and performance updates. We patch dozens of third party software to keep you safe and your staff productive.

Technical support

In case something goes wrong, our help desk and IT Support can help troubleshoot the problem to get your business up and running. Leave all your installing and configuring of computer hardware, software, systems, networks and printers to us.

Office infrastructure

Our IT consultants work with you to help you make optimal and cost-efficient technology choices. Building out a new office? We can assist with data connections, server rooms, electrical requirements, cabling and terminations.


Streamline communications and collaboration solutions with a Voice over IP (VoIP Services) phone system. These next generation telephony solutions integrate your traditional telephone and voicemail services into a complete suite of mobile communications tools for your employees.

Server management

Ensure your servers are running optimally. All servers are monitored, managed and patched to catch any warning or signals or failure and threat.

Network management

Network Traffic Analysis provides visibility into traffic network patterns and usage to determine how traffic impacts the overall health of the network through real‐time packet capture.

Cloud services
O365, AWS, Dropbox, etc.

Most cloud services are “ulitity” based, meaning you are billed for the consumption. So it’s important you have the right IT services company providing your the cloud service.

Asset inventory

Always know where your IT assets are, what's out for repair, and when your service contracts are up. Never re-buy a license key again because you lost track of it.